I want to thank you for every restful hour of sleep you have made possible for me! I have tried to find a solution for my sleep apnea and been frustrated by doctors who believe the CPAP is the only solution. It was definitely not the solution for me. Then I was fortunate when someone recommended you since your focus is on using a mouthpiece. I called your office immediately to see if this was the answer. I really needed help. I felt like I was living in a stupor from lack of sleep. I was always exhausted, my mind was not as sharp and I actually dosed off at a top light. That scared me!
Having been your patient for a number of months I am happy so say my world has turned around. I don't dread going to bed for fear of a wakeful night. I sleep, and I mean really sleep, every night and awake rested. I am happy, active and not constantly thinking about needing a nap. Additionally, I am once again a safe driver!!
I applaud you for your professionalism and dedication to your patients...and also for just being a nice person.